Edward Hellowes

Edward Hellowes

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The Familiar Epistles of Sir Antonie of Gueuara, Preacher, Chronicler, and Counseller to the Emperor Charles the Fift: Translated by Edward Hellowes, and Now Imprinted, Corrected and Enlarged Vvith Other Epistles of the Same Authour. (1584)2 % NR
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A Chronicle, Conteyning the Liues of Tenne Emperours of Rome. Compiled by Syr Anthonie of Gueuara, Bishop of Mondonnedo, Preacher, Chronicler, and Counsellour to the Emperour Charles the Fift. (1577)2 % NR
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The Familiar Epistles of Sir Antonie of Gueuara, Preacher, Chronicler, and Counseller to the Emperor Charles the Fift: Translated by Edward Hellowes, and Now Imprinted, Corrected and Enlarged Vvith Other Epistles of the Same Authour. (1577)2 % NR
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