Edmund Elviden

Edmund Elviden

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A Neweyeres Gift to the Rebellious Persons in the North Partes of England Primo Ianuar. 1570. Seene and Alowed, Accordyng to the Order Appoynted. (1570)25 % NR
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The Most Excellent and Plesant Metaphoricall Historie of Pesistratus and Catanea. Set Forth This Present Yeare by Edm. Eluiden Gentleman (1570)22 % NR
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The Closet of Counsells Conteining the Aduice of Diuers Wyse Philosophers, Touchinge Sundry Morall Matters, in Poesies, Preceptes, Prouerbes, and Parrables, Translated, and Collected Out of Diuers Aucthors by Edmond Eluiden Gent. (1569)22 % NR
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