Edmund Bonner

Edmund Bonner

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The Life and Defence of the Conduct and Principles of the Venerable and Calumniated Edmund Bonner, Bishop of London in the Reigns of Henry Viii Edward Vi, Mary and ElizabethNR
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A Profitable And Necessarye Doctryne
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01 Jan 1900
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A Profitable and Necessarye Doctryne, with Certayne Homelies Adioyned Therunto: Set Forth by the Reverende Father in God, Edmonde Byshop of London, for the Instruction and Enformation of the People Beynge Within His Diocesse of London, and of His CNR
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A Profitable and Necessarye Doctryne, with Certayne Homelies Adioyned Therunto: Set Forth by the Reverende Father in God, Edmonde Byshop of London, for the Instruction and Enformation of the People Beynge Within His Diocesse of London, and of His CNR
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The Life and Defence of the Conduct and Principles of the Venerable and Calumniated Edmund Bonner, Bishop of London in the Reigns of Henry VIII EdwardNR
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Homelies Sette Forthe by the Righte Reuerende Father in God, Edmunde Byshop of London, Not Onely Promysed Before in His Booke, Intituled, a Necessary Doctrine, But Also Now of Late Adioyned, and Added Therevnto (1555)24 % NR
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Homelies Sette Forthe by the Righte Reuerende Father in God, Edmunde Byshop of London, Not Onely Promysed Before in His Booke, Intituled, a Necessary Doctrine, But Also Now of Late Adioyned, and Added Therevnto (1555)24 % NR
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A Profitable and Necessarye Doctryne with Certayne Homelies Adioyned Thervnto Set Forth by the Reuerende Father in God, Edmonde Byshop of London (1555)4 % NR
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Concio Quaedam Admodum Elegans, Docta, Salubris, Pia Magistri Iohannis Harpesfeldi, Sacre Theologiae Baccalaurei, Habita Coram Patribus Clero in Ecclesia Paulina Londini .26. Octobris. 1553. (1553)25 % NR
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Concio Quaedam Admodum Elegans, Docta, Salubris, Pia Magistri Iohannis Harpesfeldi, Sacre Theologiae Baccalaurei, Habita Coram Patribus Clero in Ecclesia Paulina Londini .26. Octobris. 1553. (1553)9 % NR
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A Profitable and Necessarye Doctryne with Certayne Homelies Adioyned Thervnto Set Forth by the Reuerende Father in God, Edmonde Byshop of London, for the Instruction and Enformation of the People Beynge Within His Diocesse of London (1555)2 % NR
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Articles to Be Enquired of in the Generall Visitation of Edmonde Bisshoppe of London Exercised by Him the Yeare of Oure Lorde. in the Citie and Diocese of London ... (1554)6 % NR
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A Profitable and Necessarye Doctrine with Certayne Homelyes Adioyned Thervnto Set Forth by the Reuerend Father in God, Edmunde Byshop of London, for the Instruction of the People Being Within His Diocesse of London, & of His Cure. (1555)3 % NR
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A Profitable and Necessarye Doctryne: With Certayne Homelies Adioyned TheruntoNR
Publisher: Nabu Press
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07 Oct 2011
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