Ed Kalegi

Ed KalegiEd Kalegi's passion for radio began at a young age in his New Jersey bedroom, where he turned a simple walkie-talkie into his own personal broadcast station. Fascinated by the voices and conversations he heard on the radio, he was inspired by the witof Dick Cavett, the charm of Johnny Carson, and the intimate style of Larry King and Tom Snyder. His time at Rutgers University allowed him to hone his skills on the campus radio stations, where he hosted popular talk shows and interviewed celebrities. Despite early career diversions into marketing and running his own business, Ed's desire to be on the air never faded, leading him to pursue a diverse range of roles in the entertainment industry. Ed's journey through the media world included appearances on LAW & ORDER, commercial voiceovers, and stints as an announcer for the New York Yankees' minor league team and the New Jersey Devils. However, his true passion was realized in 2014 with the debut of his syndicated talk show, "America Weekend with Ed Kalegi," later rebranded as "The Weekend with Ed Kalegi." Over the years, Ed has built a rich catalog of interviews with a wide array of guests, driven by his curiosity and love for conversation. Now, he continues to share these conversations, offering listeners a deep dive into the stories and lives of fascinating people. Read More Read Less

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