Ed Hanes

Ed HanesEd Hanes was born and reared in a small town in Southern Indiana. From challenging early times he learned that achieving worthwhile goals requires dedication and hard work. Whether it was his childhood yearnings for a shiny bicycle pictured on the bak of a comic book, a baseball glove displayed in a dime store window, or longing for his own family, he found that rewards in life tended to equal the efforts-nothing ventured, nothing gained! This attitude ultimately developed Ed's creative talents, vocational interests and vastly broadened his set of skills. His love for the out-of-doors evolved into a passion for working with wood. Even as a small child he would look through the neighborhood scrap piles for loose lumber or old crates that had been cast aside. From his findings, he would craft toys, gifts, and even built a little cabin in the woods where he and his friends could play. His imagination was his only limit and even as a child, he became a collector of his creations. Later in life, Ed was able to channel his love for woodworking into a successful construction business building everything from small cabinets to large homes. His collecting interests crossed into many domains and in one, he met his charming wife, Dee, another collector, who joined him in building and managing a major antique mall, Twin Lakes, in Gilbertsville, Kentucky. When Ed's children were small, he would have them pick different stuffed animal each night and he would make up a story for that animal, forever changing the lessons within. All these experiences, from play, work, and teaching life lessons made it natural for him to write this little book about trees communicating with one another; mainly because Ed believes they truly do. The rest of the story: Ed Hanes is a man of faith who has been blessed with a loving wife of faith, two great children, and four wonderful grandchildren. They love their career and cherish each day as they greet their many guests at the Twin Lakes Mall. Read More Read Less

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Little Evergreen's Dream12 % NR
Publisher: Twin Lakes
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01 Jun 2018
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