Earl Seeley

Earl SeeleyEarl J. Seeley, BA, MS, PhD (Age 78): He was born and grew up in an economically depressed area of Central Utah. He worked his way through college with a goal of becoming a basic scientific researcher. His BA degree was received from Brigham Young Unversity with a major in Horticulture and a minor in Botany, with substantial chemistry, and soil science course-work. That was followed by a MS degree in Horticultural Mineral Nutrition and Bio-chemistry from Utah State University.After working as a USU extension agent, and an environmental consultant for a company building power generating facilities in central Utah for 4 years, he returned to USU, finished his PhD and joined the Research and Graduate Faculty at Washington State University in 1975. He was promoted to Associate Professor in 1980. In June of that year he left full-time employment at WSU and Joined a private partnership to develop and manage a large orchard in north-central Washington State.He continued as an Adjunct Professor at WSU from 1980 to 1987, then as Adjunct Professor at Brigham Young University from 1987 to 1999. For the last 40+ years he has been a general manager for several large agricultural enterprises and an agricultural management consultant.Basic research, in both laboratory and field, has been an area of emphasis in his life for over 57 years. Research into the impacts of air pollutants, water stress, heat stress and cold stress on photosynthesis, and cropping patterns, and control or remediation of those effects were central to his work. Additional significant efforts included, irrigation water use efficiency, integrated pest management, and pest control systems and safety.Frost control research through the use of wind machines, or combinations of wind machines and under-tree micro-irrigation systems was began in 1978. His integration of various technologies in these areas have been widely adopted in the tree fruit, nut, and vineyard industries. Central to this effort has been the need for, and understanding of the multidimensional nature of the environmental variables involved in the control of earth's surface temperature on local, regional and global scales.The above enumerated experiences serve as a unique foundation for the author to address and write on the subjects you will find in this work. It is meant to be read and understood by the lay person. It will be followed by a significantly expanded, and more detailed work in eBook and paperback formats entitled: Fatal Fails: Scientific Problems With Global Warming. A third book in this series is planned for early 2023 on the need for a world-wide reforestation program to address many of our environmental challenges and to enrich the lives of earth's population, particularly those living in tropical zones. This work will address the need and benefits as well as an easily understood and taught systems approach for the re-establishment of manageable forests that will achieve the goals mentioned in the current work; Fatal Flaws. Read More Read Less

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Publisher: Gatekeeper Press
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