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Ea Luetkemeyer

Ea LuetkemeyerMR LUETKEMEYER'S short fiction has appeared in Sou'wester, Opium Magazine, Del Sol Review, Commonthought, Perversion Magazine, The Ilanot Review, and the anthology Stories That Must Be Told. He is the author of the novel Inside the Mind of Martin Mueler, the memoir The Book of Chuck: A Memorial Compilation of Poetry and Prose, and is knee-deep in his next novel, The Outlaw Ethan James. He has been a martial artist, a long distance runner, an outlaw, a fugitive, a husband and father, and sometimes a fool. In the eighties, he spent four years in a state penitentiary for possession of marijuana, an experience he embraces and which informs much of his work and his worldview. His stories are not for everyone. The good guys don't always win, and the bad guys don't always lose. The language is explicit, the situations dicey, the characters debased, and the reader will be taken to places best visited on the page. He lives and writes between the San Francisco Bay Area and Southern Oregon and favors the trite but true adage that bad roads lead to good stories. He was awarded an MFA in Creative writing from Lesley University, Cambridge, MA, in 2015. Read More Read Less

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My Year at the Good Bean Café25 % NR
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Inside the Mind of Martin Mueller34 %
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21 Dec 2018
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