Dyke C Hendrickson

Dyke C HendricksonDyke Hendrickson is an author-journalist living in Newburyport, birthplace of the Coast Guard. He recently wrote Plum Island, A Vulnerable Gem (Fonthill Media, 2022). Hendrickson's book on the Merrimack is his eighth. The author is a graduat of Franklin and Marshall College with a degree in history, and he did master's work at the University of Maine, Orono. He has been a writer and/or editor with the Portland Press Herald, the New Orleans Times-Picayune, and the Boston Herald. Other publications he has written for include USA Today, the Boston Globe, and Tennis magazine. Most recently, he was the waterfront reporter for The Daily News in Newburyport. For several years he hosted a podcast titled "Life Along the Merrimack," which aired on local cable TV. Hendrickson is a former adjunct professor of journalism at Northeastern University. Read More Read Less

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