Dudley Fenner

Dudley Fenner

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The Artes of Logike and Rethorike [Sic] Plainelie Set Foorth in the Englishe Tounge, Easie to Be Learned and Practised: Togeather with Examples for the Practise of the Same, for Methode in the Gouernment of the Familie (1584)6 % NR
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Sacra Theologia, Sive, Veritas Quae Est Secundum Pietatem Ad Vnicae & Versae Methodi Leges Descripta & in Decem Libros / Per Dudleium Fennerum Digesta. (1585)4 % NR
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The Song of Songs That Is, the Most Excellent Song Which Was Solomons, Translated Out of the Hebrue Into Englishe Meeter, Vvith as Little Libertie in Departing from the Wordes, as Any Plaine Translation in Prose Can VSE. (1587)8 % NR
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The Sacred Doctrine of Diuinitie Gathered Out of the Worde of God. Togither with an Explication of the Lordes Prayer. (1589)8 % NR
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A Defence of the Godlie Ministers, Against the Slaunders of D. Bridges, Contayned in His Ansvvere to the Preface Before the Discourse of Ecclesiasticall Gouernement with a Declaration of the Bishops Proceeding Against Them. (1587)6 % NR
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Certain Godly and Learned Treatises Written by That Worthie Minister of Christe, M. Dudley Fenner; For the Behoofe and Edification of Al Those, That Desire to Grovv and Increase in True Godlines. (1592)6 % NR
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