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Duane Redford

Duane RedfordDuane Redford is a fly fishing guide from Colorado, a sought after speaker, signature fly tyer for Montana Fly Company, Pro Staff lead for 8 Rivers Fly Rods, and author of The Fly Fishers' Playbook, A Systematic Approach to Nymphing, First and SecondEditions. He can also be heard on Ask About Fly Fishing Internet Radio discussing fly fishing in an archived presentation. As a retired teacher and coach, Duane has a unique, observational and systematic approach to the river that he has used as the basis of his guiding and writing for dozens of years. This mental and physical approach, derived from guiding countless days on highly pressured, technical waters, has been refined over time, and is easily understood. When he's not guiding, Duane spends his time teaching fly fishing classes, tying flies, blogging, speaking across the country, and writing. When he's not teaching, writing or guiding, you'll find him on the river. Read More Read Less

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