Douglas Stutsman

Douglas StutsmanDoug Stutsman is a native of Athens, Georgia, but attended high school and college in Macon. He graduated from Tattnall Square Academy in 2003 and received a finance degree from Mercer University in 2007. Ultimately, his love for sports won out, and e's covered an array of subjects for the Augusta Chronicle since 2013. Though raised by Auburn University graduates, he was never able to suppress his curiosity for UGA traditions, and ultimately spent years researching his first book on the Deep South's Oldest Rivalry. Regardless of the colors you don, come the second week of November, no one can deny the rich history of a contest woven through three centuries of competition. Read More Read Less

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Deep South's Oldest Rivalry: Auburn vs. Georgia25 % NR
Publisher: History Press
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05 Jun 2017
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