Douglas Krieger

Douglas KriegerDoug Krieger's ancestry hails from both Russia and Ukraine, having immigrated to the USA at the end of the 19th Century and beginning of the 20th Century. Born and raised in Sacramento, California. He is a direct descendant of Martin Luther. Doug wasgraduated from California State University, Los Angeles in Business Education and received his Educational Administrative Credential from California State University, Sacramento--having taught high school in the public school system in California for 20 years and was an administrator/director for ROCP (Regional Occupational Centers and Programs/Yolo County Office of Education). He has an extensive background in public relations, has served as a pastor in Berkeley, CA. He also had a career in contracting (building) and in sales. As of 2022 he has been married to Deborah for 54 years and has many grandchildren from his three children--all of whom still live in California. Doug is active in spreading the message of the Oneness of Christ's Body and promoting ekklesia throughout Northern California. He is active in Nor-Cal Men's Encounter and in Moxie International's efforts which also promote unity in the Body of Christ. Read More Read Less

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