Douglas J Freeman

Douglas J FreemanWriting this book has been an adventure, attempting to find a home for it within the publishing world a challenge. After much reflection, I decided to self-publish. Hopefully, the reader will find enjoyment and meaning. In our time, the issues relaed to truth have been brought into question and confusion. This is so in several critical spheres of influence, including social, empirical and religious. Who "owns" Truth? Who "owns" truth? Truth (or truth) is formed by multiple forces. Deeper Truths are shaped over the millenia by individuals who populate the fields of literature, philosophy and religion. Empirical truth is discovered through the rigors of scientific method. In our time, we are perpetually blasted by media proclaiming truth, leaving us confused and conflicted. I acknowledge voices from the past who have influenced my present. My earnest mother Margaret who pressed my finest clothes every Saturday night so I would look my best in Sunday school. My capable brother Dennis whose path I followed until I found my own. I acknowledge voices for the future on whom my experiments with parenting and grandparenting are ongoing and imperfect: Emily, Michael, and Gordon, followed by Graham, Lucy, Lily and Grace. I am a debut author. Thanks for the support and countless suggestions of my Daniel Island (South Carolina) Writer's Group. Thanks for the critical feedback of Beta Readers: Emily Guerrero, John and Kate Worm, Lynn Carlton and Rebo Reeves, Robert Renly Morris and Greg Sherry.

Questions for Reading Groups 1. What is the definition of a Universal Truth? What is the definition of truth? 2. How has religion obscured the meaning of Truth (truth) in the past 150 years? Conversely, how has religion informed the meaning of Truth (truth) in the past 150 years? How has science defined truth in the past 150 years? How might the meaning of Truth (or truth) be altered by the forces of religion, science and politics in the next century? 3. How many ways are truth (or Truth) represented in this story? 4. How do each of the characters express their particular understanding of Truth (truth)?

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Shades of TruthNR
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01 Jun 2023
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Battles of the Red River WarNR
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03 Aug 2017
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Battles of the Red River WarNR
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18 Aug 2008
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