Dorota Kudyba

Dorota KudybaABOUT THE ILLUSTRATORDorota Kudyba started painting at an early age, which allowed her to create visions that were impossible to reach in real life. She graduated from the University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Po-land, with a degree in Horse Husbandy and Riding. Digital technology allows her to generate magical, dreamy, and surreal worlds that show the beauty and majesty of horses. In addition, she works in traditional media like pastel, ink, pencil, and acrylics. Currently Dorota lives in Zamosc, Poland, with her husband Hubert, their son Oliver, a dog, few cats and two mares, Begonia, and Anastasia. "Begonia is my guide angel and has never failed me in the 28 years I've had her, but Anastasia- the gray shire- is the muse and feeds my artistic pal-ate'. Dorota beautifully but simply states, 'I follow the horse's path. The horse made me who I am. I belong to them." Read More Read Less

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