Dorota Chwieduk

Dorota ChwiedukProf Dr Dorota Chwieduk DSc. PhD., M.Sc, Mech. Eng, Energy and Buildings is Senior Researcher and Deputy Director of the Institute of Heat Engineering at Warsaw University of Technology and President of the Polish Solar Energy Society. She is Past Prsident of the International Solar Energy Society (ISES) - Europe, has held scientific fellowships at Munich Technical University, Germany, and is a Fellow of both the Thermodynamic and Combustion and the Physics of Building Construction Committees of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Dr. Chwieduk is Editor in Chief of "Polish Solar Energy" magazine and Vice President of the Society of Energy and Environment. She was a nominated member of the AGE - Advisory Group on Energy for the FP7 of the European Commission. Dr. Chwieduk is co-author of over 200 papers and 8 books. A member of the World Renewable Energy Network she was recipient of WREN's 2008 Pioneer in Renewable Energy Award. Read More Read Less

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