Doreen M Atkinson

Doreen M AtkinsonAbout the author: Hi Kids! My name is Auntie Doreen. I love to write stories. When the stories are finished, I put them into books for children to read and enjoy. I hope you like this one about the Merriest, the Beariest Bears. I call them the Merriet bears because they are so happy living in their forest home. I call them the Beariest bears because they are the biggest, strongest bears in the forest. They have a very loud growl as well. Can you growl? I bet you can. Go ahead. Try it. About the illustrator: Hey Everyone! My name is Marilyn. I love to draw and paint pictures of bears. All of the bears in this book were created with care and affection, just for you. It was fun drawing and painting them. There are lots of pictures in the activity section of this book. I hope you have fun drawing and colouring them. Use your imagination and finish the pictures the way you like best. I'm sure you'll do a great job. Auntie Doreen and Marilyn wish you a happy day filled with laughter and sunshine. Till next time, keep smiling and watch for a preview of our next exciting books on our website: Doreen Atkinson and Marilyn Martin live and work in Oro-Medonte, Ontario, Canada. They are self-taught artists. Doreen Atkinson is a self-taught writer and poet. Read More Read Less

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