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Donna Lynn Barker

Donna Lynn BarkerDonna Barker writes quirky women's fiction and rebel romance. Why rebel? Well, because 'proper' romance writers bristle at her heroines' paths to happily ever after. Honestly, why is okay for heroes to explore their options but when a heroine wants t make sure she's fallen for the right guy she's called... bad names? In her real life, Donna loves men, which may not be apparent in reading her creative writing. She's a volunteer firefighter with a pathological fear of spiders. She became a vegetarian in 1985 and only recently caved to her unholy love of bacon, which she now eats unapologetically. (Well, not quite true. Being Canadian, she has to say sorry for still calling herself a vegetarian and for being responsible for the deaths of so many delicious pigs.) Her debut novel, Mother Teresa's Advice for Jilted Lovers, was a 2014 Chanticleer first place category award-winner, taking home the coveted blue ribbon for best Mystery/ Suspense/ Thriller Romance. Read More Read Less

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