Don StiverDon Stiver was, like King David, a man after God's own heart. His passion was to know God, and to make Him known. He met every day with joy and expectancy, waiting to see what God would do, joining Him, then praising Him for His marvelous works and wnders. Always up for a challenge and adventure, he'd find a way to solve any problem, push through the storm, and somehow have fun in the process. His motto was, "You gotta have fun!" One of his major gifts was his art of storytelling - he had a way of drawing people into the story, teaching history through the story, and sowing seeds to help people think for themselves. He always knew what to say and how to say it using words to edify and encourage people. A true wordsmith.He was passionate about life and lived it to the fullest - every minute counted, and every person was valued. Not wanting anyone to be lacking or lagging behind, he would engage people in thought-filled conversation, challenging them to think through situations to help them arrive at their own solutions. A word master.By Bob Jones, he was told that he had a pastor's heart. Through Chris Reed, he was given a word: "You're like a brother to many people who don't have family. It's like that you exhibit and express brotherly love - kinda like the Lord's brother, James." Fellowship was like breathing to him, and he wanted to include everyone in it! He was called a pollinator as he skillfully networked people all through the congregation. It was his gift to the Body.He loved God and loved people, and true fellowship was the result. Read More Read Less
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