Don MorrisDon Morris is a family man, and a retired veteran social worker. Retirement is fun-filled, with fourteen super-active grand kids. He relaxes with family and friends at local coffee shops all over their coastal paradise. Don's professional experience ntegrates counselling, program management, organisational improvement, leadership development, teaching at university and TAFE, and running his consulting business. Don is people-focused, a big-picture thinker and a change agent. He is passionate about people, values, social justice and critical analysis of human issues. Don is incisive, articulate, solution-focused and innovative. He tackles issues with originality, clarity, and tenacity. In this book, Don drills down into 'inconvenient truths', synthesizers complex and diverse macro and micro issues, and proposes ways to prioritise and build a network of dignity, rationality, integrity and accountability in individuals, relationships, communities, cultures, and in our global human and environmental ecologies. Read More Read Less