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Don Horsfall

Don HorsfallDon Horsfall, MBA, Life Coach Don has had a lifelong fascination with people and has always been driven to understand the world in which we live. From his early twenties, he has studied human dynamics. Don enjoyed a successful twenty-five-year careerin banking, mostly in human resources, including four years as head of employee relations where he gained invaluable insight into unlocking human potential. He then embarked on a twelve-year entrepreneurial career, founding Australia's largest and most successful residential conveyancing business, with a passion for creating a unique community of people who shared his vision. During that period, for over a decade, Don helped facilitate emotional healing workshops, where his skills as a life coach helped thousands of people reach their potential. His desire to know more about universal wisdom led him to teacher and mentor, Dr John Demartini, whose lifelong passion for unlocking the secrets of the Universe inspired his desire to write and share this story, which outlines many of Dr Demartini's unique concepts, in the hope it will light a spark of inspiration in others. Read More Read Less

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