Domingo Henare

Domingo HenareBeing born in Boston and raised in Chicago in the surrounding suburbs of Maywood and Broadview, I've had many life experiences especially once I moved to Metro Atlanta. I've always been a hard working guy full of energy, conversation and love for peole. My life had took a turn for the worst when I began to dabble in drugs and became involved in the streets of Atlanta and its surrounding counties and cities of Clayton, Cobb, Dekalb, Fayette, Fulton, Gwinnett and Rockdale counties. At present I am divorced and have 2 beautiful daughters and 2 very handsome sons. I currently work all over the country installing commercial flooring and are working at getting a tool I designed patented. I'm here to tell my story and my experience. We all know the grind don't stop and the hustle don't stop. I know for myself, that I had to stop if I wanted to live and have a decent life that didn't involve drugs, alcohol, prison, probation or parole. The only thing I had left is this story. STREET LIFE Read More Read Less

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Poetas de Exilio y Muerte: (relatos de la vida de 7 poetas espanoles)NR
Publisher: Altolibros
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