Dom PelletierDOM PELLETIER a illustré plus de quarante livres 100 blagues! Et plus... Il réalise aussi les illustrations des Mots mystères. Dominique est l'auteur des séries d'albums Je suis capable!<em> et Nous conjuguons!, de la série de bande dessinées Les timbrés. Il habite à Saint-Liboire, au Québec. DOM -- a.k.a Dominique -- PELLETIER started drawing cartoons at a young age and has never put his crayons down, studying graphic communications at Laval University in Quebec City. A lover of the great outdoors, he has planted trees and travelled the world before beginning work as a video game designer. After a fateful meeting at the Quebec Book Fair, Dom teamed up with Éditions Scholastic on their bestselling joke book series. Fifty very funny books later, he has translated his joke book success into the hilarious graphic novel series, The Lunch Club (Les timbrés). He lives with his wife in Saint-Liboire, Quebec. Read More Read Less
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