Dom Bennet Weldon

Dom Bennet Weldon

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Chronological Notes, Containing the Rise, Growth, and Present State of the English CongregationNR
International Edition
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Chronological Notes, Containing the Rise, Growth, and Present State of the English CongregationNR
International Edition
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Containing the Rise, Growth and Present State of the English Congregation of the Order of St. Benedict: Drawn from the Archives of the Houses of the Said Congregation at Douay in Flanders, Dieulwart in Lorraine, Parin in France, and Lamspring in GeNR
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Containing the Rise, Growth and Present State of the English Congregation of the Order of St. Benedict: Drawn from the Archives of the Houses of the Said Congregation at Douay in Flanders, Dieulwart in Lorraine, Parin in France, and Lamspring in GeNR
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