Dirk Poelman

Dirk PoelmanDirk Poelman is a full professor at Ghent University since 2012, where he is leading the research group Lumilab (http: //lumilab.ugent.be/). He studied Physics and obtained his PhD on rare earth doped sulfide electroluminescent thin films at Ghent Unversity (Belgium). He is author of 215 international (A1) publications in the Web of Science (h-index 41), editor of 5 books, author of 3 chapters in books, has over 150 contributions to international conferences (including more than 25 invited talks) and has (co)organized numerous conferences, such as EL2002 (Int. Conf. on Electroluminescence), ICTF14 (Int. Conf. on Thin Films) and "Phosphoros", the first international conference on persistent luminescence in 2011. In 2022, he will be the chair for the ICOOPMA2022 conference in Ghent. In addition, he is member of the international advisory committee or organizing committee of numerous conferences: IDW (International Display Workshops), ICOOPMA (Int. Conf. on Optical, Optoelectronic and Photonic Materials and Applications), CIMTEC, LUMIDOZ, Sol-Gel 2017, ISIEM2018.

Dirk Poelman has experience in different fields of Solid State Physics research, including thin film deposition and optical characterization, photo-, electro- and cathodoluminescent materials, structural and electrical defects in semiconductors, photocatalysis for air purification, X-ray analytical techniques and human vision. His current research is focused on inorganic phosphors for white LEDs and displays and persistent luminescent materials for safety illumination and medical imaging. He is promoter-spokesperson of the concerted research action "Combining plasma treatment and (photo)catalysis towards an energy-efficient technology for abatement of polluted air (COP-CAT)" at UGent. He is member (and former president) of the Belgian National Committee for Crystallography, promoter of DUBBLE (the Dutch-Belgian beam line at the ESRF synchrotron, Grenoble), board member of the scientific and technical research center diamond (WTOCD) and holds several administrative functions at the University. He is an editor for multiple sections of the international open access journal Materials (I.F. = 2.972) and main editor of the Journal of Luminescence (I.F. = 2.961). Dirk Poelman teaches numerous courses at Ghent University, both on the bachelor and master level. Read More Read Less

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Advanced Luminescent Materials and Devices24 % NR
Publisher: Mdpi AG
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03 Jul 2024
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Mechanoluminescence in Organic and Inorganic Compounds8 % NR
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Radiation Dosimetry PhosphorsNR
Publisher: Elsevier Science
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01 Jun 2022
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