Dina Readinger

Dina ReadingerWith a career spanning four decades in healthcare, pharmaceutical, and biotech, Dina Readinger, BS, EMBA, has emerged as a pioneering force behind the creation of Diagnostic Design Thinking. Following her exit from the corporate world in 2015, she ha coached hundreds of women executives around the world, introducing them to innovative leadership strategies grounded in Diagnostic Design Thinking. Dina collaborates with CEOs, CFOs, COOs, and HR directors, providing expertise in retention strategies, leadership development, and team performance optimization. Beyond her coaching role, Dina is a distinguished speaker, consultant, certified coach, franchise owner, and coauthor with Sharon Weinstein of Think Differently: 18 Strategies to Fix Broken Thinking. Dina operates as a partner in Design Think LLC. Read More Read Less

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Healing Healthcare: Evidence-Based Strategies to Mend Our Broken System30 % NR
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22 Oct 2024
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