Diane VirginiaDiane Virginia (Cunio) is an award-winning author, the founder/director of VineWords: Devotions and More, and the co-editor, co-compiler, and contributing author to Love-Knots: Stories of Faith, Family, and Friendships (VineWords Publishing), the firt of a series of devotionals VineWords will release. Her book, The Kiss of Peace: A Contemporary Exploration into Song of Solomon (Mount Zion Ridge Press), reveals Song of Solomon to be an allegory of Christ's divine love for His Bride, the Church. In this book, Diane takes the reader on a journey into her Beloved Jesus Christ's divine love. The Kiss of Peace placed third in the Sparrow Awards at the 2020 Asheville Christian Writer's Conference. The sequel, Behind the Veil: Becoming the Ascended Bride of Song of Solomon, is a study/devotional geared towards deepening the reader's spiritual intimacy with her Beloved Bridegroom Jesus Christ, as she understands the significance of the seven mountain locations He takes her to. To complement these books on Song of Solomon, Diane has developed the model for motion-activated musical prayer centers for use at the church or home garden retreat. She envisions these prayer gardens to be themed to the seven mountain locations of Song of Solomon. She hopes these will serve as refuges for seekers and believers alike where they can tarry, worship, and find or deepen their relationships with Jesus Christ. Diane is published at Answers2Prayer, Christian Broadcasting Network, Christian Devotions Ministries, Faith Beyond Fear, Inspire a Fire, Pentecostal Publishing House, PresbyCan Daily Devotional, The Secret Place, VineWords, and other ministries. Contact Diane if you'd like her to speak to your ladies' group or church on any theme related to Song of Solomon. You can find her online: https: //www.vinewords.net Email@vinewords.net Read More Read Less