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Diane St Cyr Janelle

Diane St Cyr JanelleDiane St.Cyr Janelle grew up in a family of seven in New Hampshire and always dreamed of becoming both an elementary school teacher and an author. She taught for many years at St. Anthony Elementary School in Manchester, New Hampshire, and now she fels blessed to pursue her passion for writing. She dabbles in all things creative, likes to honor her French and Abenaki ancestries, and thoroughly enjoys her time spent living and laughing with family and friends! Diane currently resides in Exeter, NH, with her husband Marc and their two children Emilie and Mathieu. She continues to chase her dreams and delights in sharing her humor with others for the joy it brings to life's journey. Mary and Diane first met as neighbors in Georgia, and quickly became good friends, and now enjoy writing together. It's better than therapy! Read More Read Less

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