Diane S Dahl

Diane S DahlDiane S. Dahl is excited to make her literary debut as a published author with Sweet Memories. She grew up in Old Bridge, New Jersey, where she first met the Salomon family 45 years ago.Diane has always been a lover of words and language. She began larning Spanish, Italian, and American Sign Language (ASL) in high school and college and has long been involved with the local Ministry with the Deaf as an interpreter.Diane holds a B.A. in Spanish and Elementary/Special Education and a Master's degree in Literacy from Rutgers University. Her professional career includes thirty-one years in a predominantly Spanish-speaking urban New Jersey school district as an elementary special educator, reading specialist, and supervisor of special services.Diane applied her skills and fascination with language to accelerate her students' reading acquisition and to improve literacy instruction for all. Diane used her Spanish daily not only to communicate, but also to help her students improve their literacy skills in order to become fluent readers. This tremendously rewarding passion brought her great joy. She retired in 2021, but has recently "unretired" to teach struggling readers at the high school level.In her spare time, Diane enjoys scrapbooking, tracing her family's ancestry, collecting Willy Wonka memorabilia, and having adventures with her family and their friends, the Gamers. She sends tons of love and gratitude to her amazing family- her husband Diedrick, and their daughters, Elizabeth and Victoria, for their constant patience, support, assistance, and love, especially over the last two years while she was immersed in working on this book. Read More Read Less

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