Diane Dougherty

Diane DoughertyDiane Esolen Dougherty lives with her husband in Downingtown, Pennsylvania. She is a graduate of West Chester University and received a Master of Arts degree from Villanova University. While working on her degree at Villanova, she was a research schoar working with professors of English. Her duties included writing summaries of articles, compiling statistics regarding then-current research on the teaching of writing, and aiding researchers in comparative studies.Diane was a classroom teacher for 32 years as well as head of English/Language Arts for ten years before retirement. This is her first professional book; however, she has been published both in professional journals and online publications including PASCD, NWP, and PAWLP. Diane also has managed the twitter feed for the writing project and has also blogged on the PAWLP site. She has co-directed both the Writing Institute at her writing project site for eight years, and she also co-directed the Reading and Literature Institute for four years. She was the co-facilitator for NWPâ (TM)s Carnegie reading grant at the Pennsylvania site, and in that capacity had the opportunity to share best practice in the teaching of reading across the content areas with teachers from all over the country.Diane has presented at numerous state, national, and international conferences including IRA, NCTE, KSRA, and PAWLP conferences on topics ranging from writing instruction to strategies for teaching reading.Her eight grandchildren keep her occupied with fun activities and make her believe that aging is a figment of the imagination. Read More Read Less

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