Diana Maryon

Diana MaryonBORN ON ST. VALENTINE'S DAY in 1938 near Cambridge, England, she has lived in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada since 1971. She holds four Oxbridge degrees. As of late 2017 she has been a convinced Christian for 59 years. She has two moderately gron-up children, and two young grandchildren. Her husband, whom she married in 1962, a distinguished Medievalist and Modern Linguist, suffered from Parkinson's for about 12 years, and died at the end of September 2013. Her story is about love, the love and goodness of God and the mutual love of three highly-intelligent, highly-educated people seeking to serve Him in this complicated modern world. It is the story of a real marriage, including many assaults on it, and at the same time the story of a marriage which did not take place. As she looks back, she sees herself as having been surrounded by love all her life. Read More Read Less

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Septuagint Version of Chapters I-XXXIX of the Book of Ezekiel21 % NR
Publisher: C&p Books
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19 May 2024
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