Diana Desireé Ochschim

Diana Desireé OchschimDiana... The Crow Lady is what we call her.Each day she heads out dressed in a green hat, a fisherman's vest full of pockets, and army boots. She wears field glasses, a camera around her neck, and a green army bag strapped around her shoulder filled ith treats for her feathered friends, the crows. They follow her off to work, or towards the local park. They sit on light fixtures in front of her apartment window. It's amazing to see how she has earned their trust. When she whistles they all fly in like jet planes zooming down the runway. Her passion for crows has grown for six years, with each season bringing new challenges, from summer's blistering heat to winters freezing cold; from spring's thaw with nesting to fall's preparations to leave or stay... she would be there with them all the way. Read More Read Less

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Sidon the Clever Crow4 % NR
Publisher: Tellwell Talent
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29 Aug 2023
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