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Dennis Wilson WiseDENNIS WILSON WISE is a professor of practice at the University of Arizona where he also serves as the English Department's Director of Undergraduate Studies. His research focuses mainly on epic fantasy, Tolkien in particular, and his work has appeard in Tolkien Studies, Law & Literature, Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts, Gothic Studies, Extrapolation, English Text Construction, and more. In 2019 Wise received a R. D. Mullen Postdoctoral Fellowship from Science Fiction Studies to help support archival research into modern alliterative poetry. He has also earned awards for his teaching and his research alike, including the SFRA's Mary Kay Bray Award in 2023, and Wise was the reviews editor for Fafnir: Nordic Journal of SFF Research when it became the first academic journal to ever win a World Fantasy Award. Read More Read Less
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