Dennis Wilborn

Dennis WilbornDennis Wilborn spent over twenty years in the United States Navy, first as a pilot and then in the Seabees, or Naval engineering core. He followed that up with over ten years in corporate America building cellular networks.His interest in stocks and nvesting formed after learning about mutual funds as a young teenager. Seeing a chart of compounding returns gave him a lifelong desire to master trading and build wealth. Dennis has taught in stock clubs and trading groups since 2006, eventually coming to lead the Bay Area Money Makers, or BAMM, in San Jose, California. That has now become a virtual meetup.In 2012, Dennis began coaching and teaching small groups of traders professionally through his company, Active Trend Trading. Since then, his Active Trend Trading system has a strong track record of beating the S&P 500, with average annual returns of about 36%. After fine-tuning his proprietary method to automate trades, he rebranded the business into AutoPilot Trading in 2022.In the last ten years, he's found that he loves teaching and coaching just as much as trading. Trade Your Way to Freedom is Dennis' first book, written to reach busy professionals with a system they can use to build wealth while they're still working full time. Learn more about Dennis and his wealth building system and services at lives in Hawai'i with his wife of almost 50 years. Read More Read Less

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Trade Your Way to FreedomNR
Publisher: Big Light Books
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05 Dec 2023
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