Dennis A Kleidon

Dennis A KleidonDennis Kleidon has decades of experience as a professor, designer, entrepreneur, and fine artist. He worked as a designer and illustrator for architectural firms in Chicago, studied at the University of Illinois, and received degrees from Illinois Weleyan University and Illinois State University.Kleidon, who is dedicated to academia, taught at the University of Illinois and the University of Akron as a Professor of Art. There is nothing more thrilling than to share ideas, investigate new concepts and interact with the fresh young minds of university students.Kleidon taught thousands of students over his long career in higher education. His design students won top awards in regional and national competitions, year after year. Now an emeritus professor, Kleidon is often a guest lecturer in creative personal development.In 1975, he co-founded Kleidon & Associates, an award-winning marketing communications firm serving clients in the United States, Canada, and Europe. Kleidon also created Designer Grids, a three-point perspective system used worldwide by architects, designers, and illustrators.Kleidon has received multiple honors, including the Distinguished Sales and Marketing Award by the Sales & Marketing Executives International and a Lifetime Achievement award from the American Advertising Federation.As a fine artist influenced by mid-century abstract expressionists, Kleidon has had paintings shown across the United States in solo and group exhibits. He is represented by galleries in New York City, Scottsdale, and Italy.Kleidon shares his decades of experience as a professor, entrepreneur, designer, and artist to inspire his readers to open their minds, stretch their imaginations and use their deepest desires and highest aspirations to shape their personal pursuit of happiness and excellence. Read More Read Less

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