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Denis Emorine

Denis EmorineDenis Emorine is a French writer. He was born in 1956 in Paris. He has an emotional attachment to English because his mother was an English teacher. He is of Russian ancestry on his father's side. Writing, for Emorine, is a way of harnessing time in ts incessant flight. Themes that re-occur throughout his writing include the Doppelgänger, lost or shattered identity, and mythical Venice (a place that truly fascinates him). He also has a great interest for Eastern Europe. His theatrical output has been staged in France, Canada (Quebec) and Russia. Many of his books (short stories, plays, poetry) have been published in Greece, Hungary, Romania, South Africa, and the United States. His first novel La mort en berne, 5 Sens éditions, was published in Switzerland, in 2017. An English translation Death at Half-Mast is available in the USA https: // 2015, Denis Emorine was awarded the Naji Naaman Literary Prize Lebanon (honor prize for complete work)For more information, visit his website at: http: // Read More Read Less

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