Dena Samuels

Dena SamuelsDena Samuels, PhD serves as a mindfulness-based leadership development and cultural inclusion consultant. Author, activist, public speaker, and award-winning educator, she taught for 20 years at the University of Colorado - Colorado Springs in the Woen's & Ethnic Studies program while consulting around the U.S. and beyond. Her passion is to inspire people to raise their personal and social consciousness to live more fulfilling, connected, and meaningful lives; and to assist organizations, campuses, and corporations in building more diverse, equitable, and inclusive cultures. Samuels' latest book, The Mindfulness Effect: an unexpected journey to healing, connection, & social justice (Night River Press, 2018) offers 25 mindfulness practices for self-empowerment and cultural inclusion. Her previous book, The Culturally Inclusive Educator: Preparing for a Multicultural World (Teachers College Press, 2014) provides transformative inquiry and strategies for building cultural inclusiveness. Over her extensive career, Dr. Samuels has been interviewed in print, radio, online, and on TV. Most notably, she was interviewed by the Colorado affiliate station of NPR; and by the Huffington Post. She is also a featured speaker in Thomas Keith's documentary, How Does It Feel to Be a Problem? (2019). Samuels volunteers as co-facilitator of the monthly Second Tuesday Race Forum of Denver, and also as co-chair of The Privilege Institute, the institutional home of the annual White Privilege Conference. In Denver, Samuels serves as a culturally inclusive, trauma-sensitive yoga and mindfulness instructor. Read More Read Less

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