Demetra BillyEvangelist Demetra Billy, God's servant, born and raised in Detroit Michigan. The call to serve the Lord came at the age of 15. Since that time, God has placed her in various parts of Christ's ministry from junior missionary to missionary, overseeingthe youth ministry, mime ministry, and media ministry, just to name a few. In January 2001 she answered the call to Evangelist and has dedicated her life even the more to prayer, fasting, teaching, and preaching the Word of God, keeping herself aligned through God's Word and allowing him to orchestrate her life. Maintaining a lifestyle of prayer, consecration, studying, and extending herself, going beyond what others may feel or say has shown Demetra how to align herself with God's Word and watch His purpose come to its full potential in her life.As a licensed and ordained Evangelist alongside her husband, Elder Wayne J. Billy Sr., they are both associate ministers of Jesus Tabernacle of Deliverance Ministries in Detroit, Michigan, and are honored to serve under the pastorate of Bishop David and Pastor R. Elaine Billy. God has faithfully opened doors and made room for Demetra's gifts in the body of Christ. Although she has no natural children, God has blessed her with seven children, fourteen grandchildren, seven godsons, and one goddaughter. God has placed a call and mandate upon her to bring forth sons and men of the spirit into his kingdom. To God be the glory for all the things he has done and for what is to come. Read More Read Less