Demba SeneDemba Sene is a native Senegalese. He earned a master's degree in English language and Arts. The difficult conditions he faced during his studies at university brought him to launch his own businesses in school coaching and publications of free newsppers that helped students to make the best choice for their university studies and career. The newspaper was titled Le journal du Bachelier - ISSN 0850-5640. Aware of the condition of his Saafi community, he engaged himself in various fields of work to improve his peoples social status. Among his initiatives were the creation of APROFEM/DPS, an association founded in order to improve the working conditions of young Saafi girls working as housemaid in the cities of Dakar, Thiés and Mbour; and leader of The Association of Youths in his village Kiniabour. Demba is also leading a social movement that he created himself. This movement is called SFDIS. It's main role is to help constituents have positive control of their political leadership's management of their constituencies, and to sensitise the local community in their role in managing their locality as a collective. Demba is also a language teacher, interpreter and translator, and has worked in this field for many years. Read More Read Less
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