Delynn Nicole Poma

Delynn Nicole PomaHELLO!! My name is Lynn and I have been writing privately for many years. Recently, I've been asking myself: "What's the point of all that writing if it stays hidden on my computer and no one ever reads it?" Therefore, I have decidedto make my writing public and self-publish it. Admittedly, organizing what has become a mountain of writing is a daunting task indeed, but one I am committed to investing time in. Honestly, my goal was never to be a writer. It's not so much that I like to write as it is my need to get thought out of my head (it helps me to think more clearly). I spend/waste no time on drafts, and what comes out stays on the page with little or no editing. I wish I could have been a pianist or painter (even a dancer!), something that is musical or visual. Alas, writing chose me; and so, I'm collecting pieces I have written over the years and putting them into e-book/print form. THANK YOU!! for purchasing/downloading and reading my title! I hope you enjoyed it. I truly do appreciate it. 😊 😊 😊 Read More Read Less

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My Arrival to (and Early Life in) New York CityNR
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05 Sep 2023
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