Delville Linford

Delville LinfordCmdt Delville Linford was die South African Army's last liaison officer at Serpa Pinto from April 1973 to July 1974. Because of his knowledge of Angola and its people, he was tasked by Brigadier Constand Viljoen to establish a base in the western Capivi to accommodate, equip and train these Bushman soldiers so that they could help to protect the South West African border against Swapo. With the help of six national servicemen and 39 black troops, Linford established Camp Alpha. Combat Group Alpha participated in Operation Savannah from October 1975 to January 1976 after which the company was named 31 Battalion and operated in south-east Angola and Zambia. During his service Colonel Linford was awarded the Southern Cross Medal, Military Merit Medal, as well as a Pro Patria with Cunene Clasp and Southern Africa medals. He also received the SADF Good Service Medals in Gold, Silver and Bronze and the Permanent Force Good Service Medal. Read More Read Less

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