Deepak PantDeepak Pant is a Senior Scientist at the Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO), Belgium, leading the research linked to electrochemical and bioelectrochemical conversion systems with a focus on CO2 conversion in recent years. He has co-uthored 194 publications in peer-reviewed journals (13 of which are "highly cited" on Web of Science), 40 book chapters, 6 patents and has edited 6 books on topics as Microbial electrochemistry, LCA, Bioeconomy and Applied Biotechnology. Current h-index is 75 (>16800 citations; Google Scholar). He was recently awarded the Highly Cited Researcher 2022 from Clarivate for multiple highly cited papers in last decade. He is a member of several scientific communities including ISMET, ISE, BES, BRSI, IFIBiop and AMI and was made a fellow of the Biotechnology Research Society of India (BRSI) in 2018 and Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) in 2021.He is a member of the editorial board of 10 journals, Editor for 'Bioresource Technology Reports' (Elsevier) and acts as a peer reviewer for numerous journals. He has participated/participates in >25 projects of which 14 are European projects (FP7/H2020/Horizon Europe) on CO2 conversion, electrode development and resource recovery. He has a wide international network of active collaboration, among them from several European ongoing projects as coordinator, work package leader or partner (E2C, PERFORM, Bac-To-Fuel, VIVALDI, CLUE, CATCHY, ECOMATES, BeHyFe). Dr. Pant supervised 7 researchers in their postdoc position (of which 2 were Marie Curie Fellows), supervised/supervising 8 researchers towards their PhD, supervised 18 master students for their thesis and 6 bachelor students. Read More Read Less