Debra U Pritchard

Debra U PritchardDebra Pritchard, survivor of cultural shocks, brings you Vipers and Geckos - Defining Friend, Foe, and Truth in an Alien Land.Deb, a native Californian and risk-taker, has lived a life of adventure and transformation. From being the first woman promoed to management at Shell Chemical, to taking a hiatus to raise her two daughters, to starting her own enterprise, Deb ascribes to "Variety is the Spice of Life."Returning post-career to academia, she earned degrees in Special Education and Educational Therapy, and jumped at the chance to follow her childhood dream. No longer a child, she joined the Peace Corps at 59. Her assignment? Special Education on the remote island of Palawan in the Philippines. On the island, she worked with 'special' children as well as the Chamber of Commerce, and initiated major community projects, immersing herself (and making many faux pas) in the local culture for a decade.With a career spanning marketing, special education, international consulting, and now authorship, Deb's experiences are as diverse as they are rich. Her return from Palawan in 2020 coincided with the pandemic lockdown and saw her settle in Avila Beach. Today, she can be found strolling Olde Port Beach with her loyal hound, Twix, or biking along the scenic coastal cliffs.Her book, Vipers and Geckos, shows that old dogs CAN learn new tricks - and change into dogs with entirely new world views. Read More Read Less

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Vipers and Geckos - Defining Friend, Foe, and Truth in an Alien Land20 % NR
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18 Feb 2024
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