Debra A Kaden

Debra A KadenDr. Debra A. Kaden has more than 25 years' experience in toxicology and environmental health sciences, with emphasis in the area of air toxics. She is a senior practitioner in ENVIRON's Occupational Health and Safety practice. Debra is a member of th International Society for Exposure Science--where she sits on the council--as well as a member of the Society of Toxicology (SOT) and the Society for Risk Analysis (SRA), and serves as president of the New England chapter of SRA. Debra has authored more than 25 peer-reviewed publications in toxicology and environmental health sciences. She has spearheaded critical reviews of the state of science to identify research priorities for understanding exposure and health effects of mobile source air toxics, diesel exhaust and electric and magnetic fields. Debra also has organized and convened workshops and conferences on scientific topics relevant to air pollution. Read More Read Less

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Environmental and Health Issues in Unconventional Oil and Gas Development11 % NR
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