Deborah Favorite

Deborah FavoriteDeborah Favorite's life has been an overflowing reservoir of mindboggling synchronicities. Her stories are sensitive and humorous and are genuine tales of triumph over tragedy.Although she had glimpses of synchronistic episodes since her early youth,the frequency of these remarkable manifestations became abundant when she began the hope-filled Buddhist practice of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo in 1975. That's when her life transformed, and she began to soar.Changing hats certainly has been her signature style as she refers to herself as a Jack(ess) of many trades. She was a Beverly Hills hairstylist, a back office medical assistant, and a litigation secretary working on some of the country's most notorious civil litigation cases. She was a realtor, a business owner, and a human/ civil rights activist and organizer. But most importantly she is the mother of two stellar young adults and three Fab-A-Lus grandsons.She authored a children's book for ages 3 to 103 titled The Tush People by Debbie and Uncle Norm, along with an animated version that can be viewed on her YouTube Channel, Deborah Favorite's Videos.This memoir has been a reflective work through sweat and tears... with a heaping portion of love. Deborah's wish is that her captivating stories will bewilder her audience, spurring them on to uncover the gateway to their own magical portals. Read More Read Less

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Memoirs of an American Buddhist in Los Angeles25 % NR
Publisher: Deborah Favorite
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01 Sep 2024
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Memoirs of an American Buddhist in Los Angeles25 % NR
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02 Dec 2022
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