Deborah Eustace Wollnik

Deborah Eustace WollnikI am an overcomer of severe past emotional and physical abuse which I strongly oppose, praise the Lord, and have gained extensive experience. Abuse stems from selfish desires. CO-DEPENDENCY, ABUSE, AND ADDICTIONS describes several types of destructiv relationship patterns, also abuse and addictions that leave a trail of devastation behind. Dysfunctional families or relationships are fraught with co-dependency, addiction, emotional, verbal, physical, sexual, child abuse, violence, and many broken relationships due to the absence of safe boundaries. These traits are akin to a millstone around the neck, dragging the child toward the same sinful patterns as their dysfunctional parents. AUTHOR BIOGRAPHY I strongly oppose, praise the Lord, and have gained extensive experience. The abuse stems from selfish desires. Furthermore, I have in the past been involved in prison and orphan ministries. As a Christian, I believe that the Bible is the final authority on all things and not man and thus believe in Nouthetic (Biblical) counseling when it comes to seeking answers to our everyday problems." Jesus the Word" brings healing to those who go in search of the truth that will set them free. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (KJV) says, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works" MOTIVATION: What motivates my writing first and foremost is to glorify our loving and merciful Triune God. Reaching out to the lost, broken-hearted, and downtrodden by planting seeds that point people to Christ His only begotten Son who came to set the captives free is indeed a worthy cause, of which forms part of the great commission. Once set free, you are free indeed. Read More Read Less

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