Deborah Carr Hollingsworth

Deborah Carr HollingsworthGifted from birth as a spiritual medium and mystic, writer and paranormal investigator Deborah Carr Hollingsworth followed her intuition and heart and now resides deep in the heartland of Florida. She combines her past travel businesses, supernaturalexperiences and her psychic abilities to find alternate ways to uncover and discover history and haunts. Prior to her move to Florida, she owned and operated a midwestern historical entertainment company and provided metaphysical workshops, classes, ghost tours and investigations, as well as private psychic readings. Previously, The History Press/Arcadia Publishing released her book Haunted Bloomington-Normal, Illinois in 2016. She also channeled and portrayed notable women such as Mary Lincoln and Helen Keller, national and internationally. Deborah's fascination with living history and the spirited dead continues as she explores the backroads and counties in sunny Florida. Her psychic private practice is limited to exclusive personal readings and teaching. Her medium abilities are unleashed supernaturally as she explores all possibilities of bringing and keeping history and haunts alive. Settled now in the Sunshine State of Florida with her husband, Larry; dad, Gary Carr; and rescue beagle, Maggie Mae, she continues to enjoy her passionate life on a lake in Fruitland Park. Read More Read Less

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