Deborah Baron Hiester

Deborah Baron HiesterDeborah Baron Hiester is a ranting blog-writer, accomplished lyricist and copyrighted music writer (including Your Stellar Life: Jason's Song) as well as recreational piano performer. Joyfully married to her husband David, her New York roots live on n their Pennsylvania home life. She is the proud mother to her son Jason, around whom The Perpeens: Peenchy Bugs From New York centers. Writing and performing since she was 14, Deborah's wonderful parents supported even her rewrite of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata just because she thought she could. Always accused of having a vivid imagination, a twisted sense of humor and always-getting-caught antics, she was often told jokingly by her father that he thanked God every day that she wasn't twins. Deborah believes she is exceedingly blessed and cherishes her calling to both lift people's spirits and make them laugh. Read More Read Less

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