Deb Smolensky

Deb SmolenskyDEB SMOLENSKY is a highly sought-after author, speaker, and award-winning thought leader in the area of human performance and health at work. She serves as a Global Well-Being and Engagement Practice Leader and also as an advisor for the insurtech, fntech, and digital health start-up communities. Over the past twenty-five years, Deb has received numerous certifications and designations in organizational health and productivity. She consults with a variety of clients, including numerous Fortune 500 companies, to develop strategies, programs, and practices that empower employees and executives to lead healthy, productive lives at work through innovative, meaningful, and engaging solutions. Read More Read Less

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Brain On!: Mental Fitness Strategies for Sharpening Focus, Boosting Energy, and Winning the Workday27 % NR
Publisher: Amplify Publishing
5.0 (7)
08 Aug 2023
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