Dean Allemang

Dean AllemangDean Allemang is a consultant specializing in Semantic Web deployments in a number of industries, including finance, media, government and pharmaceuticals. He works as a staff ontologist for the Enterprise Data Management (EDM) Council, working primaily on the Finance Industry Business Ontology (FIBO). He is a member of the advisory board of, and formerly Chief Scientist at TopQuadrant, the first company in theUS devoted to the SemanticWeb.Hewas the recipient of aNational Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship and the President's 300th Commencement Award at Ohio State University. He has studied and worked extensively throughout Europe and Australia, as a Marshall Scholar at Trinity College, Cambridge, UK from1982 through to 1984, was twice winner of the Swiss Technology Prize (1992 and 1996), and served as Chief Scientist of Capsicum Pty Ltd, an early adopter of Semantic Web Technology in Australia. He has served as an invited expert on numerous international review boards, including a review of the Digital Enterprise Research Institute - the world's largest Semantic Web research institute, and the InnovativeMedicines Initiative, a collaboration between a consortium of pharmaceutical companies and the European Commission to set the roadmap for information management in the pharmaceutical industry for the near future. Read More Read Less

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