Dawn Thilmany

Dawn ThilmanyDawn Thilmany is a Professor with Colorado State University, serving in that role since 1997, and specializes in economic development related to local, organic and other value-added food market segments, as well as food market analysis and consumer bhavior. She is co-Director for CSU's Regional Economic Development Institute, is on the leadership team for CSU Extension Food Systems program and has been a visiting scholar at both the USDA National Institute for Food and Agriculture and Economic Research Service. She has chaired the Colorado Food Systems Advisory Council and served on the US Dept of Agriculture's Advisory Board on Research, Extension, Education and Economics. She has also served in leadership positions with the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, the Western Agricultural Economics Association, the Food Distribution Research Society and several regional research committees. Read More Read Less

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Economics of Livestock Disease Insurance
Publisher: Cabi
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23 Mar 2006
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